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Search Ep. 2 Pics

the episode 2 is not as scary as the 1st one. but it was very cool until the ending :)) the ending got me very good tho. i hope nothing happened to krystal. cant wait for the next episode! i cant watch like scary drama but i want to know what will happen next.. who else in the same boat with me? lol ahhahahaha also i'll miss leo pretty much. oh right, what about jang dong yoon? and yoon park?? oh im curious!! and it seems like jang dong yoon cant go home >.< i feel bad for him. i hope he got extra holiday like their promises :))

here i'll give yall my best shots from this episode, i hope you iked it! and if you couldnt download from this web, you can visit my twitter linked in this website. i rarely post on pinterest cause it takes too much time. hope you liked it, enjoy!

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